Company Profile

The team of members combine experience with enthusiasm in the day to day running of the corporation to ensure Origen offers a dynamic yet highly professional service who are supported by a motivated, highly qualified team of engineers and support staff.

Our four members, three engineers and our accountant, are involved in all aspects of the running of the company and are namely:

Craig Emslie MSc Eng.

Craig Emslie has a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters in Marine Technology. He has extensive experience in mass production, waste management, petrochemical, marine and subsea industries. Craig is part of the Origen management team, provides technical support and gives input on product development.

John Press PrEng, MSc Eng.

John Press has work experience in electrical, marine and offshore mining industries. He specialised in residual stress and has extensive experience in failure analysis, corrosion, stress measurement, residual stress, fatigue and fracture mechanics. John is responsible for the day to day running of the Origen operation and presents the Origen threaded fastener course.

Prof Bob Tait Pr Eng, BSc Eng, PhD, MA, MSAIMechE

Prof Bob Tait is a specialist in fracture mechanics, fatigue and residual stress and their application to the solution of industrial problems. These include fitness for purpose investigations, engineering critical analysis, failure analysis and aspects of NDT. Bob is the author of over sixty technical papers as well as a book on fracture mechanics and is responsible for overseeing the technical aspects of the Origen operation.

Stuart McLeod BCom, CA (SA)

Stuart McLeod rounds the strongly technical orientation of the Origen team and provides financial and business direction at a Managing Board level on a non-executive basis.