Origen reflects our desire to understand the origins of failure and the belief that elegant, original engineering solutions are based on a sound understanding of the fundamentals.
Origen is a dynamic, service-orientated company based in Cape Town, South Africa.
We specialise inĀ failure analysis, fatigue and fracture mechanics, dynamic and residual stress measurement, on site VSR component stabilisation, and associated engineering services.
Origen offers training courses in a number of these core fields, specifically in fracture mechanics, failure analysis and finite element analysis. Origen has also developed and supplies a number of specialised products to the engineering community.
Mission Statement
Origen is devoted to being an environmentally conscious, service orientated, flexible and dynamic company offering professional ‘fitness for purpose’ engineering services.
Identify and define problems with engineering bias, understand fundamentals applicable to these problems and provide solutions.
Core Values
Origen espouses E P I C I D E A L S.
Excellence and
Professionalism to provide client focused services and products
Being the best comes from supplying the best services and products, being focused and ensuring client value
Enable inspired
Innovation and
Creative/lateral thinking
Innovative and lateral thinking inspires novel solutions
Integrity and personal/professional
Development in a positive/productive working environment
Growth/fulfillment of personal and professional ideals/needs in an environment where people like being
Conduct business to highest
Ethical standards and be
Accountable for all actions
Ethical and accountable business practices are vital for long term sustainability
Promote continuous
Continually getting better
Operate in a
Socially responsible manner
We are part of our environment
To be a leading consultancy and global provider of integrity orientated services and products.